Cheryl A. Mobley-Stimpson is PhillySportsMom (all one word, no spaces). "Like" and follow;;;

Saturday, August 14, 2010

DON'T MISS OUT! (Don't delay!)

People make the same mistakes all the time.  They think they can wait for children to become "of age" before developing them (with no clear definition of what this really means).  Men make the excuse, "Oh, I need him to get a little older before I start throwing the ball around" (meanwhile the child just turned nine years old)!  Women say, "I need to get back into the thick of things - I'll get around to the lessons - let me just get into my job -- anyway the father is not doing anything, why should I?"  Both of these responses are just excuses!  While you are waiting for the perfect time, thousands of other children are perfecting their sport or craft.  Thousands of hours are being logged by other children, beginning as young as three (the age when my youngest was put on skis and started swinging a tennis racket).  Some will call this "overkill"  - say you are pushing the kids too fast.  Those of us who know better say that you are giving your child additional "enablers of success!"  Find examples when raising your child and follow the inner voice you hear. Start developing your child early - age eighteen will be here faster than you know,  Begin early - you'll be pleasantly surprised at the accomplishments along the way!

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